Thursday, April 9, 2015

Our kids lives were changed in three short years with YWAM

Andrew got to go to Manila with a group of teens (that's him with no shirt on the right) They built a daycare/classroom behind the team house about 3 blocks from the garbage dump where we were working.
It was so hot in Manila and Randi slept under a mosquito net to keep out all kinds of flying insects.  She and I travelled for 7 weeks together without Jim and the boys.  Lots of good memories.
Andrew won 32 Big Macs one day in a bicycle rodeo in Kailua Kona.  Tony was busy with friends going boogie boarding in the ocean.  
All of the kids were real troopers traveling with the team for long hours and huge lines in the airports with all our supplies.  
Randi enjoyed working in the daycare taking care of babies during the day.  She would work hard getting her school work done ahead of time so she would be ready when the children were brought to our team house for the day.
Tony would take his own money and buy metal cans of water to let the kids take quick sponge baths.