Monday, August 1, 2016

Overwhelmed by God's Goodness

Well we got to explore the 4th floor deck of the building we live in and got a beautiful view of our church next door and YWAM ships in the distance and the tourists on Alii Dr.  
Such a nice sunset and the breeze was great.  We pulled up chairs and enjoyed the view.
Lyndsi and I taking it all in.
This is the view from the other railing looking out over the Kona Inn to the south.

Got to hang out in our pool for the first time with friends, Christine & Tony Arcus. He just arrived from New Zealand and she had helped us so much get new place ready for Lyndsi's arrival. 

Saturday morning we were planning to do some cleaning and moving from our old place. Lyndsi and Jim & I were talking about what we wanted to do that day and we asked God to lead us in our day.  We remembered a need we heard about regarding a family on campus who had just rented a house and needed furniture. We thought about our futon bunk bed and kitchen table and a few other things that we had and felt challenged to sow them into this family. We made contact and off we went on a great adventure.  They were receptive to the items and we took Jim to the old place to dismantle the bed and Lyndsi and I were going to look at a couple of resell stores for some other items.  We stopped at a yard sale, that caught our eye, and there happened to be a man parked with a twin mattress/boxspring/and frame in the back of his truck. He was on his way to give it to the Salvation Army.  He gave it to us and tied it to the top of our little SUV. The ladies at the yard sale GAVE us some pots/pans/pillows/blanket etc for our special family.  Off we went back up the mountain, a short distance from the yard sale and left our goodies with Jim.  We really wanted to find a table so this sweet family of 7 could sit together for meals.  Two times the Lord nudged me to call a friend who was off the island and inquire about a set she had that she was possibly going to get rid of but I ignored the nudges. The 3rd time, sitting at a stoplight, I told Lyndsi I felt the Lord wanted me to call this friend.  Lyndsi dialed her number while I drove and she answered right away and said immediately that she wanted to give the table with 6 chairs to this family.  We were able to rent the last van available for the day and the husband was picked up and he and Jim were able to fit all the stuff in the van and bring some of our remaining things to our new place.  The Lord also spoke to Lyndsi and I some other special things to do and reminded us that all things come from Him and if we are willing to funnel HIS funds to those who have a NEED now, then HE is ALWAYS faithful to meet our needs WHEN they come due.  It's such a journey learning to live with hands open and trust Him.  Our precious family we were ministering to are from another country and have no relatives here to help them.  We all saw how God was allowing us to be those white haired grandparents and a sweet big sister that pitched in to make their day and remind them of how much God loves them and knows their need.  Faith really IS the substance (the tangible thing) hoped for and the evidence (the proof) of things not seen.  We all had our faith built up Saturday and our worship to the ONE who brought us all together was so much deeper and sweeter.  
Sunday we had a great time at Mokuaikaua Church and fellowship in the afternoon at their church picnic on the church grounds.