Tuesday, October 18, 2016

MV YWAM PNG's First Outreach for 2016

FALL 2016

The fall quarter here at YWAM's University of the Nations Kona is underway and there are over 450 students that have come to be equipped to serve in all spheres of society and in all nations, applying biblical truth practically and to fulfill the Great Commission found in Matthew 28:18-20.

Just a bit of further information: U of N operates in 650 locations in 160 countries, providing programs in approximately 100 languages around the world.

Here on our campus in Kona, there is a Korean Discipleship training school and it is such a joy to hear the Koreans worship with such passion and pray with such fervor.  Be sure and look up University of the Nations or YWAM and read more of the rich heritage of this organization and the impact that is being carried out all over the world.

Just within the past year there has been an open invitation from Prime Minister Peter O'Neil in Papau New Guinea (PNG) and his cabinet members to the Univ of the Nations to PLEASE COME and help our nation.  

YWAM Ships and students from the U of N are answering the call and funneling teams and volunteer medical and dental personnel to go this nation via ships and small boats.  As you can see from this map shown at one of our campus meetings, there is a huge need.  

This video shows some of the work being done through YWAM and Univ of the Nations.
(If you are unable to view it here go to youtube and look up MV YWAM PNG's First Outreach for 2016)

Loren Cunningham, founder of YWAM & U of N, continues to share the vision of reaching every people group with the gospel of Jesus Christ. He inspires people from every nation that come here for training to "hear the voice of God" and "GO".

Jim is part of the ministry in maintenance here on campus and has had a good group of young volunteers from many nations that came and he was able to teach them how to assemble small chest of drawers for the dorm rooms.
MUCH NEEDED finished projects. 

He also oversees a variety of repairs and has the privilege to work with young people with limited skills but a passion to serve.  
As he works with such a diverse group of people, he enjoys learning about their lives and what made them pay the airfare to come all the way to Kona to volunteer.  He also has to work with language barriers to communicate instructions but he loves the interactions.

Recently a group of volunteers came to work on the old swimming pool on campus.   Yeah!!

Look at those smiles. Lyndsi & Jamie are teachers with the Learning Center on Campus. Lyndsi is from Canada and lives with us. We met when we first came to Kona and now she is back volunteer teaching for a year. Jamie is a student teacher from Florida who is doing her practicum as an intern for a few months. They are so full of passion and creative ideas working with the kids.  Our place smells so good at times as they create birthday surprises for the students like these creative surfboard cupcakes for one of their students who loves surfing.

I have had the privilege of reconnecting with some past students from the Primary Health Care School that I taught in years ago when we were here on staff.  Jennifer, on the left, is helping staff the school this quarter and Christine, on the right, has moved here with husband, Tony (also a former student of mine), from New Zealand and they are on staff with the Natural Farm on the U of N campus.  I continue to serve in the Campus Clinic to meet the needs of staff, students, and volunteers.  I help with travel clinic immunizations, patient education, and hands on wound care from sharp lava rock and vanna (sea urchin) encounters.  I am praying about being a part of the next Primary Health Care School.


We thank you for your prayers and your support for
the University Of the Nations as we serve here. If you are interested in supporting us and the work done here, please click on the link for tax deductible giving. 