Saturday, March 18, 2017

March 2017 Update from Jim & Sherry

This picture is so true of Jim Galloway on a daily basis !!

He loves riding all over campus on his work cart. He can get to the job sites quicker and feels he's more efficient.

Here he is moving the JLG lift from Plaza of Nations after some people put up some new flags getting ready for a visit from TBN (Trinity Broadcasting Network). They are doing an interview with Loren & Darlene Cunningham about the University of the Nations & YWAM on March 27. 

 Aloha Kona Urgent Care (AKUC) Celebrates 2 yr Anniversary
Lunch at Jackie Rey's Restaurant with some of the staff to celebrate

The Aloha Kona Urgent Care (AKUC), located ½ mile south of the U of N campus in Kona, is part of the Transformation Health Network and is open 7 days a week from 1-9pm.  All of the staff are passionate followers of Jesus Christ, who desire to minister to the needs of the community both physically and spiritually.  Patients receive prayer, and healings are not uncommon. 

Many of the staff are affiliated with the U of N and YWAM.  I have had the opportunity to work part time at AKUC when an extra nurse was needed while some of the staff were gone overseas with outreach teams to Iraq or Papau New Guinea.

This past quarter, I have worked to strengthen the link between the Campus Clinic and AKUC as they have offered an amazing discounted Travel Clinic fee to students at U of N. Many of the students going overseas need Typhoid vaccines, prophylactic malaria antibiotics, and other vaccines such as Yellow Fever, Japanese Encephalitis, etc.  My role has been to communicate with outreach leaders what resources are available to obtain the needed vaccines in the area. If they want to utilize the AKUC Travel Clinic, then I facilitate acquiring the needed demographics, entering them in the electronic medical record, collecting the fees and coordinating the pick up of scripts on campus to meet the various schools departure deadlines. In addition, I continue to work with the volunteer MDs who serve a few days a week on campus.

This past quarter at U of N, the Medical DTS (discipleship training school) being held down the road at YWAM Ships, had some of their nurses alternate daily work duties at the AKUC location and the U of N campus clinic. They are preparing to leave at the end of this month to IRAQ or Papau New Guinea for their outreach.  I had the privilege of working with the ones at the campus clinic. 


 (YWAM) U of N helping end Bible poverty

A group of young people were stranded in a village during a bitter Himalayan blizzard. Most were sick and shivering, trying to stay warm. They gave their host, a local man, an SD card. Hours later, they overheard him listening to his new audio Bible on his cell phone. He continued all night long, because he couldn’t bring himself to turn it off. (The photo above is from this village.)
Another team trudged through the winter weather carrying loads of Bibles to a different Himalayan village. When they arrived, they set up a solar ­powered projector and showed the Jesus Film. An audience of about 200 formed to watch this film in their own language. The team spent time getting to know the villagers and sharing stories about Jesus. The next day, they went throughout the village to present Bibles, both written and audio, to the people they had met the previous night.

Bernie & Sylvia Kay from YWAM are an amazing couple that picked up the heart of God to reach people with the gospel through the "Jesus Film".  

They recently returned to Kona for a short time from (PNG) Papau New Guinea where they were working to get NINE more new languages recorded for the Jesus Film.  They saw EIGHT languages recorded and made into the film last year.  

On this visit, they were told about a screening of the Jesus Film where people from those language groups heard Jesus speaking in their tongue and came running.  They brought friends from their village to see the film and many came to Christ through the movie. 

 A woman who was blind in one eye had a spontaneous healing when Jesus healed blind Bartimaeus in the film.

The project in PNG is a collaboration between Campus Crusade, Wycliffe Bible Translators, SIL, the Bible Translation Association of PNG and YWAM.  It involves recording one speaker from a language group reading the Gospel of Luke, the gospel used in the film.  From there, a native language "checker" makes sure that there are no bumps in the translation as they listen to the audio along with the film. 

Bernie estimates that the Jesus Film is now in 100 of the 850 languages of PNG. There is some portion of the gospel already translated in 250-300 of those language groups. 


We are all pleased to announce that we have been gifted an amazing vessel to join our fleet of medical ships!
P&O Maritime reached out to our partner base YWAM Medical Ships Townsville and alerted them to the fact that the L’Astrolabe, a scientific research and supply vessel, was being retired.

Remaned MV Liberty
It is worth $11. 6  Sold for $400,000 USD for cost of parts, fuel and reposition expenses.  The lower cargo area will be converted to a hospital.

Through a collaborative effort between YWAM Norway/Kona/Townsville and other bases taking offerings, the funds were collected and the ship arrives in Townsville next week!!
For further information: 
That of which we are a part is truly more important than which part we play, but we are so privileged to be allowed to play a part in what God is doing in the earth.
Some have asked how they can help support us and the ministry of University of the Nations (YWAM). Please see the information below and know that this is good soil in which to invest. 
Bless you all
Jim & Sherry

Saturday, February 4, 2017

January 2017 
This month we were blessed to celebrate our 50th wedding anniversary here in Hawaii.  We had dreamed over the years of coming back to Kona for our anniversary and laughed with each other saying, "Now what do we do for our 50th? We are already here." We were overwhelmed by the cards and gifts that poured in and were able to enjoy a wonderful weekend away in Hilo on the other side of the island.  We had a beautiful ocean view room and fun local food and spent quality time together reminiscing of God's love and faithfulness to us through the years.   Thank you everyone who contributed to our special celebration.

God is the God of small beginnings 
and makes things great in His time. 
50 years experiencing life together in God's love & mercy

Our view from hotel room in Hilo. Very relaxing,
peaceful weekend. 
Nice walking bridge by hotel.
One of Jim's favorite treats. Polish sausage with all
the trimmings from Costco.
Look at that happy face !!

This is a major answer to prayer.

Jim goes all over the campus fixing and troubleshooting things and getting to the buildings becomes a real challenge with pick up truck.  This has the nice extended bed to hold tool box.
Here comes Mr. Fixit

Another blessing came recently with this Dodge truck assigned to him for maintenance.
Thank you Lord!!

My days are spent in the Campus Clinic being available to discuss symptoms and pray with students.  We have two volunteer MDs that are serving 2-3 days/week in the clinic which is a huge blessing, especially for those students/staff with high deductible insurances and travel insurance that need free care.  I was blessed the other day to have a young mid 30's Mom come in with one of her 4 children.  As we talked, she told me her amazing story of how God had brought her and her husband together and how they worked in missions before marriage and were youth pastors most recently.  They felt the Lord calling them full time as a family to come to Univ of the Nations, YWAM, and do a Crossroads Discipleship Training School and be involved with couples with children and move out as a family doing missions full time.  She shared her heart and told how many people thought they were crazy to uproot their family and risk their children's health and future education by dragging them off while the parents tried to "find their calling".  We had such a touching encounter as I shared our story of doing the same thing in 1983 with 3 children at the same age as her and her husband.  I recounted our testimony of how many people verbalized the same concerns to us.  I also shared the amazing testimony of how God had led us all the way from St. Louis to Kona, Hawaii so our oldest son, who did not want to go at the time, could meet his future wife.  I shared how those 3 short years with YWAM in the mid 1980's changed our lives forever and all three of our children are very compassionate people and always ready to open their hearts and their homes to others and they have a greater faith and trust in God through their experiences living in a community environment.  We talked, laughed, and prayed together as God brought a Grandma together with a young mom to encourage her along her destiny path.  Only God knows what lies ahead for this special couple and their four little ones. 

This past fall quarter, the Introduction to Primary Health Care School was held at YWAM Ships in Kona. I got to visit in the classroom and meet the wonderful students preparing to go to Papau New Guinea for their outreach ministry.
Below are some of the amazing photos of this team.  We all share in touching lives across the globe as we do our part here.
Sleeping arrangements in Catholic Church in Angoram PNG

Floating village on Sepik River

Erika DeCarvalho (Pastor David & Kim's dau) from
Mokuaikaua Church here in Kona.

Holding clinic

Erika finding joy in serving.

Rebekka, a community health worker from hospital in Angoram
working with team.

YWAM medical ship Pacific Link arriving to work with teams.

Villagers lined up for first day of ship's Medical clinic.

Listening and building relationships with patients.

Screening patients to be seen.

Pastor Ken from Assemblies of God & Vitus church elder &
administrator of the Catholic Church. The main contacts in
Angoram PNG. Two amazing men with big hearts.

Jesus Film about to be shown on ship.

Thank you for your prayers and support for the University of the Nations.

If you are interested in supporting us and the work here, please click on the link and receive a tax deduction.

Sunday, December 18, 2016

MELE KALIKIMAKA from Jim & Sherry Galloway
(Merry Christmas) 2016

We have been so blessed in the condo close to campus that the Lord has provided.  Lyndsi, the teacher from Calgary Canada, has been a joy to live with.  She is home for Christmas for 3 weeks and will be back to start back teaching 6-7 grade again in the Learning Center on Campus. She is our bargain shopper and the whole reason that we even have this cute Christmas tree, complete with lights and decorations. 

 The Fall quarter here at University of the Nations (Youth With A Mission) Kona is coming to an end. There is such an excitement in the air as the students from several schools are about to leave this next week for ministry outreaches all over the world.
This past Thursday nite Loren & Darlene Cunningham, founders of YWAM, & guest speakers Todd White, & Ed Silvoso prayed over the students and commissioned them to go into all the nations, sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ.  The teams are going to over 60 nations for 2 month outreaches. 

This is a fun picture of what all the luggage & more would look like for all the teams leaving on outreach.

I continue to work in the Campus Clinic and fill in occasionally at the Aloha Kona Urgent Care, a half mile south of campus.  The medical ministry team has been meeting every Wednesday morning for prayer time.  It is so wonderful having the doctors and nurses come together to pray.  One of our nurses, Alison, brings her little ones, Elladee & Jordan, who are very much at home playing and singing with us. 

 (L>R Lynn, Alison, Dr Doe, Jordan, Dr. Lee on guitar, and Dr. Park)

This is Dr. Jennifer Choi in the foreground.  She is one of our volunteer MDs in the Campus Clinic and works with the Natural Farm on campus. She has just returned from staffing a DTS(Discipleship Training School) and being part of a 2 month outreach to Asia. 

The Natural Farm at University of the Nations supplies lettuce and other vegetables to the Campus Cafeteria, which serves about 1500 meals three times per day. 

Search    YWAM KONA'S NATURAL FARM   on youtube

These are some of our recent young volunteers (Kokua Crew) who paid their way to come for 3 months. This group worked with Jim in maintenance and they took two of the donated exam tables and completely cleaned and repainted them. What a huge blessing!!

This is Ron, one of the retiree volunteers on campus, he does painting and works in the Natural Farm also.  When not on campus, he volunteers in the community of Kona with the Gideons, giving out Bibles, and Habitat for Humanity resell store.

These two volunteers have come for 6 -7 weeks to work in maintenance with Jim.  Helmut (with hat on) is from Canada and Steve in dark green shirt is from the Mainland.  They came at just the right time to get a repair job done on 2nd floor men's room in the GO center building. (This is where guest speakers stay for schools on campus)

Steve is trying to make sure there are enough whole tiles to finish the repair job.

A big thank you to these skilled workers for paying their way to come and volunteer on campus.  Jim has been able to complete many of the maintenance requests because he has had such hard workers.

Danny is one of the self employed missionary staff, like Jim & I.  He works in Campus Services and maintains the whole sprinkler system. Here he is replacing valves and headers on an aging sprinkler run by the GO center.

Jim takes care of keeping the Plaza of Nations fountain running properly by servicing the underground pump room once a month.  There are so many great people that we work with each day that keep this amazing campus functioning on a daily basis.

Thank you so much for your continued prayers and generous support for the University of the Nations as we serve here.  

If you are interested in supporting us and the work here, please click on the link and receive a tax deduction.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

MV YWAM PNG's First Outreach for 2016

FALL 2016

The fall quarter here at YWAM's University of the Nations Kona is underway and there are over 450 students that have come to be equipped to serve in all spheres of society and in all nations, applying biblical truth practically and to fulfill the Great Commission found in Matthew 28:18-20.

Just a bit of further information: U of N operates in 650 locations in 160 countries, providing programs in approximately 100 languages around the world.

Here on our campus in Kona, there is a Korean Discipleship training school and it is such a joy to hear the Koreans worship with such passion and pray with such fervor.  Be sure and look up University of the Nations or YWAM and read more of the rich heritage of this organization and the impact that is being carried out all over the world.

Just within the past year there has been an open invitation from Prime Minister Peter O'Neil in Papau New Guinea (PNG) and his cabinet members to the Univ of the Nations to PLEASE COME and help our nation.  

YWAM Ships and students from the U of N are answering the call and funneling teams and volunteer medical and dental personnel to go this nation via ships and small boats.  As you can see from this map shown at one of our campus meetings, there is a huge need.  

This video shows some of the work being done through YWAM and Univ of the Nations.
(If you are unable to view it here go to youtube and look up MV YWAM PNG's First Outreach for 2016)

Loren Cunningham, founder of YWAM & U of N, continues to share the vision of reaching every people group with the gospel of Jesus Christ. He inspires people from every nation that come here for training to "hear the voice of God" and "GO".

Jim is part of the ministry in maintenance here on campus and has had a good group of young volunteers from many nations that came and he was able to teach them how to assemble small chest of drawers for the dorm rooms.
MUCH NEEDED finished projects. 

He also oversees a variety of repairs and has the privilege to work with young people with limited skills but a passion to serve.  
As he works with such a diverse group of people, he enjoys learning about their lives and what made them pay the airfare to come all the way to Kona to volunteer.  He also has to work with language barriers to communicate instructions but he loves the interactions.

Recently a group of volunteers came to work on the old swimming pool on campus.   Yeah!!

Look at those smiles. Lyndsi & Jamie are teachers with the Learning Center on Campus. Lyndsi is from Canada and lives with us. We met when we first came to Kona and now she is back volunteer teaching for a year. Jamie is a student teacher from Florida who is doing her practicum as an intern for a few months. They are so full of passion and creative ideas working with the kids.  Our place smells so good at times as they create birthday surprises for the students like these creative surfboard cupcakes for one of their students who loves surfing.

I have had the privilege of reconnecting with some past students from the Primary Health Care School that I taught in years ago when we were here on staff.  Jennifer, on the left, is helping staff the school this quarter and Christine, on the right, has moved here with husband, Tony (also a former student of mine), from New Zealand and they are on staff with the Natural Farm on the U of N campus.  I continue to serve in the Campus Clinic to meet the needs of staff, students, and volunteers.  I help with travel clinic immunizations, patient education, and hands on wound care from sharp lava rock and vanna (sea urchin) encounters.  I am praying about being a part of the next Primary Health Care School.


We thank you for your prayers and your support for
the University Of the Nations as we serve here. If you are interested in supporting us and the work done here, please click on the link for tax deductible giving.