Sunday, December 18, 2016

MELE KALIKIMAKA from Jim & Sherry Galloway
(Merry Christmas) 2016

We have been so blessed in the condo close to campus that the Lord has provided.  Lyndsi, the teacher from Calgary Canada, has been a joy to live with.  She is home for Christmas for 3 weeks and will be back to start back teaching 6-7 grade again in the Learning Center on Campus. She is our bargain shopper and the whole reason that we even have this cute Christmas tree, complete with lights and decorations. 

 The Fall quarter here at University of the Nations (Youth With A Mission) Kona is coming to an end. There is such an excitement in the air as the students from several schools are about to leave this next week for ministry outreaches all over the world.
This past Thursday nite Loren & Darlene Cunningham, founders of YWAM, & guest speakers Todd White, & Ed Silvoso prayed over the students and commissioned them to go into all the nations, sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ.  The teams are going to over 60 nations for 2 month outreaches. 

This is a fun picture of what all the luggage & more would look like for all the teams leaving on outreach.

I continue to work in the Campus Clinic and fill in occasionally at the Aloha Kona Urgent Care, a half mile south of campus.  The medical ministry team has been meeting every Wednesday morning for prayer time.  It is so wonderful having the doctors and nurses come together to pray.  One of our nurses, Alison, brings her little ones, Elladee & Jordan, who are very much at home playing and singing with us. 

 (L>R Lynn, Alison, Dr Doe, Jordan, Dr. Lee on guitar, and Dr. Park)

This is Dr. Jennifer Choi in the foreground.  She is one of our volunteer MDs in the Campus Clinic and works with the Natural Farm on campus. She has just returned from staffing a DTS(Discipleship Training School) and being part of a 2 month outreach to Asia. 

The Natural Farm at University of the Nations supplies lettuce and other vegetables to the Campus Cafeteria, which serves about 1500 meals three times per day. 

Search    YWAM KONA'S NATURAL FARM   on youtube

These are some of our recent young volunteers (Kokua Crew) who paid their way to come for 3 months. This group worked with Jim in maintenance and they took two of the donated exam tables and completely cleaned and repainted them. What a huge blessing!!

This is Ron, one of the retiree volunteers on campus, he does painting and works in the Natural Farm also.  When not on campus, he volunteers in the community of Kona with the Gideons, giving out Bibles, and Habitat for Humanity resell store.

These two volunteers have come for 6 -7 weeks to work in maintenance with Jim.  Helmut (with hat on) is from Canada and Steve in dark green shirt is from the Mainland.  They came at just the right time to get a repair job done on 2nd floor men's room in the GO center building. (This is where guest speakers stay for schools on campus)

Steve is trying to make sure there are enough whole tiles to finish the repair job.

A big thank you to these skilled workers for paying their way to come and volunteer on campus.  Jim has been able to complete many of the maintenance requests because he has had such hard workers.

Danny is one of the self employed missionary staff, like Jim & I.  He works in Campus Services and maintains the whole sprinkler system. Here he is replacing valves and headers on an aging sprinkler run by the GO center.

Jim takes care of keeping the Plaza of Nations fountain running properly by servicing the underground pump room once a month.  There are so many great people that we work with each day that keep this amazing campus functioning on a daily basis.

Thank you so much for your continued prayers and generous support for the University of the Nations as we serve here.  

If you are interested in supporting us and the work here, please click on the link and receive a tax deduction.

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