Thursday, July 7, 2016

Had a great trip back to Illinois and to Michigan for our grandson, Austin's wedding. He came to the Univ of the Nations in 2013 for a 6 month school and met a lovely young woman, Austyn Louise. There seems to be a YWAM theme in our family's lives:-) We were able to spend some real quality time with family. Also enjoyed seeing friends at Navigation Church. We are looking forward to seeing Kathy Murphy later this week. She is coming to teach preschool teachers here on campus for two weeks. We are short on volunteer MDs in our clinic on campus, so I am doing nurse triage in our campus clinic and helping out at the Urgent Care up the road. Jim is busy in maintenance. He is the star of this blog. He works with so many volunteers from all over the world and adapts to their knowledge skills and gets a lot of work done. The campus is buzzing with activity this past week. There are about 200 young people that arrived for two weeks of Infusion Camp and their excitement is contagious. There are other schools running and many schools just left on short term outreaches to places like Thailand, France, Papau New Guinea, Korea etc. We appreciate your continued prayers for strength and God's grace. Thank you so much to all that helped us with transportation while we were in Illinois, for the yummy meals and fellowship, and the monetary gifts. For those that are looking to help with our missionary support: you can send checks to payable to University of the Nations 75-5851 Kuakini Hwy Finance Dept #256 Kailua Kona, HI 9740 Just put note on check: For Jim Galloway Mission Account 6319. This allows you to receive a tax deduction.

Jim working in the maintenance office.  Keep him in your prayers. He is the number one maintenance guy overseeing volunteers and maintenance requests for the campus.

Alec, Uncle Peni, and friends with coconuts collected from trees on campus. The volunteers help get them down so they don't fall on people.  Alec (in the center) was a volunteer in landscaping for almost a year.  He is now doing a DTS in California.  His Mom, Laura, works with the Foundation School on campus.  We knew her back in the 1980's.  Such a small world. Thanks Laura for keeping our car while we were on the mainland.

"Uncle"Peni showing the younger ones how to open coconuts. He makes it look so easy :-)

Jim in the wood shop showing one of the young volunteers how to make handrails for some of the  campus buildings.
Jim enjoys teaching the young volunteers and it makes him feel very satisfied when they get the hang of it and can do it themselves.

Mr & Mrs Austin Galloway  

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