Friday, July 29, 2016

Move back to town from the mountain

We have been really busy the past 2 weeks moving down from the animal pasture and cooler climate to right in town in Kailua Kona. This is a real answer to prayer to be closer to campus & the church we attend.  The 6 mile drive each way was becoming more challenging as our responsibilities on & off campus were unfolding. Also the brakes on our SUV were being taxed with the steep hills.
This is our living room kitchen in our new place.  Much more room for having company and so nice to have a place for everything in the kitchen.  No earwigs or centipedes either. Yeah !!  Our dear friend, Lyndsi, arrived this past Monday from Calgary Canada and will be living with us for the next year. She will be teaching in the Learning Center on campus.  We are so thrilled to be back together since we lived together in Hale Ola while we were in Kokua Crew, volunteering, when we first got here.  
This is the entrance. We have underground parking and an elevator.  There are shopping carts in the garage for bringing stuff up to the condo.  It made moving so much easier.  
The recent tropical storm dumped mostly rain and occas strong wind gusts last weekend.  The tent in front of the GO center on campus collapsed on one end and Jim was called to fix it.  He ended up talking with the guy from the tent company and he walked him through raising it with special straps.  He did a great job.
This is the view from Alii Drive of our place. Mokuaikaua Church is on the left, where we attend, and our place is on the right. For those of you who know the area, Poncho & Lefty's Mexican restaurant is on the front of our place and Kona Market Place is under it.  We are so grateful for God giving us favor with the landlord to live here and be so close to the little shop areas, pier, and international market.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds and looks wonderful - so excited for you! I remember Poncho and Leftys!😘
