Sunday, December 18, 2016

MELE KALIKIMAKA from Jim & Sherry Galloway
(Merry Christmas) 2016

We have been so blessed in the condo close to campus that the Lord has provided.  Lyndsi, the teacher from Calgary Canada, has been a joy to live with.  She is home for Christmas for 3 weeks and will be back to start back teaching 6-7 grade again in the Learning Center on Campus. She is our bargain shopper and the whole reason that we even have this cute Christmas tree, complete with lights and decorations. 

 The Fall quarter here at University of the Nations (Youth With A Mission) Kona is coming to an end. There is such an excitement in the air as the students from several schools are about to leave this next week for ministry outreaches all over the world.
This past Thursday nite Loren & Darlene Cunningham, founders of YWAM, & guest speakers Todd White, & Ed Silvoso prayed over the students and commissioned them to go into all the nations, sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ.  The teams are going to over 60 nations for 2 month outreaches. 

This is a fun picture of what all the luggage & more would look like for all the teams leaving on outreach.

I continue to work in the Campus Clinic and fill in occasionally at the Aloha Kona Urgent Care, a half mile south of campus.  The medical ministry team has been meeting every Wednesday morning for prayer time.  It is so wonderful having the doctors and nurses come together to pray.  One of our nurses, Alison, brings her little ones, Elladee & Jordan, who are very much at home playing and singing with us. 

 (L>R Lynn, Alison, Dr Doe, Jordan, Dr. Lee on guitar, and Dr. Park)

This is Dr. Jennifer Choi in the foreground.  She is one of our volunteer MDs in the Campus Clinic and works with the Natural Farm on campus. She has just returned from staffing a DTS(Discipleship Training School) and being part of a 2 month outreach to Asia. 

The Natural Farm at University of the Nations supplies lettuce and other vegetables to the Campus Cafeteria, which serves about 1500 meals three times per day. 

Search    YWAM KONA'S NATURAL FARM   on youtube

These are some of our recent young volunteers (Kokua Crew) who paid their way to come for 3 months. This group worked with Jim in maintenance and they took two of the donated exam tables and completely cleaned and repainted them. What a huge blessing!!

This is Ron, one of the retiree volunteers on campus, he does painting and works in the Natural Farm also.  When not on campus, he volunteers in the community of Kona with the Gideons, giving out Bibles, and Habitat for Humanity resell store.

These two volunteers have come for 6 -7 weeks to work in maintenance with Jim.  Helmut (with hat on) is from Canada and Steve in dark green shirt is from the Mainland.  They came at just the right time to get a repair job done on 2nd floor men's room in the GO center building. (This is where guest speakers stay for schools on campus)

Steve is trying to make sure there are enough whole tiles to finish the repair job.

A big thank you to these skilled workers for paying their way to come and volunteer on campus.  Jim has been able to complete many of the maintenance requests because he has had such hard workers.

Danny is one of the self employed missionary staff, like Jim & I.  He works in Campus Services and maintains the whole sprinkler system. Here he is replacing valves and headers on an aging sprinkler run by the GO center.

Jim takes care of keeping the Plaza of Nations fountain running properly by servicing the underground pump room once a month.  There are so many great people that we work with each day that keep this amazing campus functioning on a daily basis.

Thank you so much for your continued prayers and generous support for the University of the Nations as we serve here.  

If you are interested in supporting us and the work here, please click on the link and receive a tax deduction.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

MV YWAM PNG's First Outreach for 2016

FALL 2016

The fall quarter here at YWAM's University of the Nations Kona is underway and there are over 450 students that have come to be equipped to serve in all spheres of society and in all nations, applying biblical truth practically and to fulfill the Great Commission found in Matthew 28:18-20.

Just a bit of further information: U of N operates in 650 locations in 160 countries, providing programs in approximately 100 languages around the world.

Here on our campus in Kona, there is a Korean Discipleship training school and it is such a joy to hear the Koreans worship with such passion and pray with such fervor.  Be sure and look up University of the Nations or YWAM and read more of the rich heritage of this organization and the impact that is being carried out all over the world.

Just within the past year there has been an open invitation from Prime Minister Peter O'Neil in Papau New Guinea (PNG) and his cabinet members to the Univ of the Nations to PLEASE COME and help our nation.  

YWAM Ships and students from the U of N are answering the call and funneling teams and volunteer medical and dental personnel to go this nation via ships and small boats.  As you can see from this map shown at one of our campus meetings, there is a huge need.  

This video shows some of the work being done through YWAM and Univ of the Nations.
(If you are unable to view it here go to youtube and look up MV YWAM PNG's First Outreach for 2016)

Loren Cunningham, founder of YWAM & U of N, continues to share the vision of reaching every people group with the gospel of Jesus Christ. He inspires people from every nation that come here for training to "hear the voice of God" and "GO".

Jim is part of the ministry in maintenance here on campus and has had a good group of young volunteers from many nations that came and he was able to teach them how to assemble small chest of drawers for the dorm rooms.
MUCH NEEDED finished projects. 

He also oversees a variety of repairs and has the privilege to work with young people with limited skills but a passion to serve.  
As he works with such a diverse group of people, he enjoys learning about their lives and what made them pay the airfare to come all the way to Kona to volunteer.  He also has to work with language barriers to communicate instructions but he loves the interactions.

Recently a group of volunteers came to work on the old swimming pool on campus.   Yeah!!

Look at those smiles. Lyndsi & Jamie are teachers with the Learning Center on Campus. Lyndsi is from Canada and lives with us. We met when we first came to Kona and now she is back volunteer teaching for a year. Jamie is a student teacher from Florida who is doing her practicum as an intern for a few months. They are so full of passion and creative ideas working with the kids.  Our place smells so good at times as they create birthday surprises for the students like these creative surfboard cupcakes for one of their students who loves surfing.

I have had the privilege of reconnecting with some past students from the Primary Health Care School that I taught in years ago when we were here on staff.  Jennifer, on the left, is helping staff the school this quarter and Christine, on the right, has moved here with husband, Tony (also a former student of mine), from New Zealand and they are on staff with the Natural Farm on the U of N campus.  I continue to serve in the Campus Clinic to meet the needs of staff, students, and volunteers.  I help with travel clinic immunizations, patient education, and hands on wound care from sharp lava rock and vanna (sea urchin) encounters.  I am praying about being a part of the next Primary Health Care School.


We thank you for your prayers and your support for
the University Of the Nations as we serve here. If you are interested in supporting us and the work done here, please click on the link for tax deductible giving.

Monday, August 1, 2016

Overwhelmed by God's Goodness

Well we got to explore the 4th floor deck of the building we live in and got a beautiful view of our church next door and YWAM ships in the distance and the tourists on Alii Dr.  
Such a nice sunset and the breeze was great.  We pulled up chairs and enjoyed the view.
Lyndsi and I taking it all in.
This is the view from the other railing looking out over the Kona Inn to the south.

Got to hang out in our pool for the first time with friends, Christine & Tony Arcus. He just arrived from New Zealand and she had helped us so much get new place ready for Lyndsi's arrival. 

Saturday morning we were planning to do some cleaning and moving from our old place. Lyndsi and Jim & I were talking about what we wanted to do that day and we asked God to lead us in our day.  We remembered a need we heard about regarding a family on campus who had just rented a house and needed furniture. We thought about our futon bunk bed and kitchen table and a few other things that we had and felt challenged to sow them into this family. We made contact and off we went on a great adventure.  They were receptive to the items and we took Jim to the old place to dismantle the bed and Lyndsi and I were going to look at a couple of resell stores for some other items.  We stopped at a yard sale, that caught our eye, and there happened to be a man parked with a twin mattress/boxspring/and frame in the back of his truck. He was on his way to give it to the Salvation Army.  He gave it to us and tied it to the top of our little SUV. The ladies at the yard sale GAVE us some pots/pans/pillows/blanket etc for our special family.  Off we went back up the mountain, a short distance from the yard sale and left our goodies with Jim.  We really wanted to find a table so this sweet family of 7 could sit together for meals.  Two times the Lord nudged me to call a friend who was off the island and inquire about a set she had that she was possibly going to get rid of but I ignored the nudges. The 3rd time, sitting at a stoplight, I told Lyndsi I felt the Lord wanted me to call this friend.  Lyndsi dialed her number while I drove and she answered right away and said immediately that she wanted to give the table with 6 chairs to this family.  We were able to rent the last van available for the day and the husband was picked up and he and Jim were able to fit all the stuff in the van and bring some of our remaining things to our new place.  The Lord also spoke to Lyndsi and I some other special things to do and reminded us that all things come from Him and if we are willing to funnel HIS funds to those who have a NEED now, then HE is ALWAYS faithful to meet our needs WHEN they come due.  It's such a journey learning to live with hands open and trust Him.  Our precious family we were ministering to are from another country and have no relatives here to help them.  We all saw how God was allowing us to be those white haired grandparents and a sweet big sister that pitched in to make their day and remind them of how much God loves them and knows their need.  Faith really IS the substance (the tangible thing) hoped for and the evidence (the proof) of things not seen.  We all had our faith built up Saturday and our worship to the ONE who brought us all together was so much deeper and sweeter.  
Sunday we had a great time at Mokuaikaua Church and fellowship in the afternoon at their church picnic on the church grounds. 

Friday, July 29, 2016

Move back to town from the mountain

We have been really busy the past 2 weeks moving down from the animal pasture and cooler climate to right in town in Kailua Kona. This is a real answer to prayer to be closer to campus & the church we attend.  The 6 mile drive each way was becoming more challenging as our responsibilities on & off campus were unfolding. Also the brakes on our SUV were being taxed with the steep hills.
This is our living room kitchen in our new place.  Much more room for having company and so nice to have a place for everything in the kitchen.  No earwigs or centipedes either. Yeah !!  Our dear friend, Lyndsi, arrived this past Monday from Calgary Canada and will be living with us for the next year. She will be teaching in the Learning Center on campus.  We are so thrilled to be back together since we lived together in Hale Ola while we were in Kokua Crew, volunteering, when we first got here.  
This is the entrance. We have underground parking and an elevator.  There are shopping carts in the garage for bringing stuff up to the condo.  It made moving so much easier.  
The recent tropical storm dumped mostly rain and occas strong wind gusts last weekend.  The tent in front of the GO center on campus collapsed on one end and Jim was called to fix it.  He ended up talking with the guy from the tent company and he walked him through raising it with special straps.  He did a great job.
This is the view from Alii Drive of our place. Mokuaikaua Church is on the left, where we attend, and our place is on the right. For those of you who know the area, Poncho & Lefty's Mexican restaurant is on the front of our place and Kona Market Place is under it.  We are so grateful for God giving us favor with the landlord to live here and be so close to the little shop areas, pier, and international market.

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Had a great trip back to Illinois and to Michigan for our grandson, Austin's wedding. He came to the Univ of the Nations in 2013 for a 6 month school and met a lovely young woman, Austyn Louise. There seems to be a YWAM theme in our family's lives:-) We were able to spend some real quality time with family. Also enjoyed seeing friends at Navigation Church. We are looking forward to seeing Kathy Murphy later this week. She is coming to teach preschool teachers here on campus for two weeks. We are short on volunteer MDs in our clinic on campus, so I am doing nurse triage in our campus clinic and helping out at the Urgent Care up the road. Jim is busy in maintenance. He is the star of this blog. He works with so many volunteers from all over the world and adapts to their knowledge skills and gets a lot of work done. The campus is buzzing with activity this past week. There are about 200 young people that arrived for two weeks of Infusion Camp and their excitement is contagious. There are other schools running and many schools just left on short term outreaches to places like Thailand, France, Papau New Guinea, Korea etc. We appreciate your continued prayers for strength and God's grace. Thank you so much to all that helped us with transportation while we were in Illinois, for the yummy meals and fellowship, and the monetary gifts. For those that are looking to help with our missionary support: you can send checks to payable to University of the Nations 75-5851 Kuakini Hwy Finance Dept #256 Kailua Kona, HI 9740 Just put note on check: For Jim Galloway Mission Account 6319. This allows you to receive a tax deduction.

Jim working in the maintenance office.  Keep him in your prayers. He is the number one maintenance guy overseeing volunteers and maintenance requests for the campus.

Alec, Uncle Peni, and friends with coconuts collected from trees on campus. The volunteers help get them down so they don't fall on people.  Alec (in the center) was a volunteer in landscaping for almost a year.  He is now doing a DTS in California.  His Mom, Laura, works with the Foundation School on campus.  We knew her back in the 1980's.  Such a small world. Thanks Laura for keeping our car while we were on the mainland.

"Uncle"Peni showing the younger ones how to open coconuts. He makes it look so easy :-)

Jim in the wood shop showing one of the young volunteers how to make handrails for some of the  campus buildings.
Jim enjoys teaching the young volunteers and it makes him feel very satisfied when they get the hang of it and can do it themselves.

Mr & Mrs Austin Galloway  

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

We returned the first week in January from visiting family and friends in Illinois for 3 wks.  What an amazing memorable time talking with friends and spending quality time with family.  We got out of town just in time though, since the temperature had been unseasonably warm while we were there, and dropped to 20 degrees the day we left.  We did not realize how much our joints and overall wellbeing enjoyed the warmer temperatures in Kona.

We arrived back just as the January quarter at the Univ of the Nations was getting in full swing.  There were about 400 students from around the world and now the April quarter has begun with about the same number.  It is exciting to see the passion in these students as they go through the intensive 3- month modular classes in the seven colleges and then see them leave for their 2 month practical outreaches in many nations.  Please enjoy this link to see a variety of the ministries here at the University.

Jim has had more help the past two quarters in maintenance with a great group of volunteers from many different nations who came to fill the many support ministries on campus in grounds, maintenance, kitchen, hospitality, learning center & preschool helpers, and construction workers for the many building & rehab projects around campus.  Jim is amazing in his trouble shooting skills and enjoys the challenge of problem solving problems all over campus.  Recently he fixed a bunch of lights that involved getting up in a basket.  It made me nervous as I watched from my office but he was enjoying the experience.  Last week he had a very important machine that was needed for a project that broke.  A replacement machine was not available on the island and neither were parts.  As he prayed about it, the Lord showed him two wires that had broken and the cause for the problem.  It was a huge hallelujah moment in maintenance.

I had an amazing conversation a few weeks ago with two young girls, one from Canada and the other from Denmark, who had paid their own way to come and volunteer on the campus for 3 months.  They spent 5 days a week, about 7 hours a day, raking leaves, picking up palm leaves, and doing other landscape projects. The volunteer program here feeds and houses them and on the weekends they enjoy the island.  I was able to share with them that they were making an investment in God’s economy that pays greater eternal rewards and every team that goes out of this place, these young girls were sharing in the work done in all the nations where the students go because they had come and invested their time and energy in this  missionary sending organization.  They had huge tears in their eyes and had never thought about that.

I continue to oversee the Campus Clinic .  My responsibilities are to coordinate the schedule for clinic hours based on the availability of our volunteer MDs.  I serve with some amazing staff. Neneng Loseo from the Philippines is my teammate.   Recently, a wonderful RN from Korea, Kay Ro, came for 3 months and volunteered. We serve the students, staff, and volunteers for free who come for treatment of a variety of injuries such as scrapes from lava rock, sea urchin stings, sprains, etc.
We do a lot of patient teaching on how to stay hydrated in this very warm climate. At the end of each quarter we assist schools with immunizations for their overseas outreaches.  Below is a picture of Dr. Hoon Park, one of our wonderful volunteer MDs, he recently celebrated a birthday and another of our MDs, Dr. Jennifer Choi, made him a special Korean dessert.

Dr Hoon Park/Dr. Jennifer Choi

In the past few weeks I have had a health challenge.  I got a little cut at the beach that became infected and I ended up in the hospital with a severe blood infection that required IV antibiotics two different times for a total of 8 days.  I am still on oral antibiotics for another week or two.  I have not felt so weak in years.  It really took the wind out of my sails.  Would appreciate your continued prayers for this.

We have been here with Youth With A Mission (YWAM) at the University of the Nations in Kona for over a year and have had time to assess our budget living on our social security. YWAM is a faith-based volunteer organization where every person from the founder, Loren Cunningham, himself to the short -term missionary is responsible to raise their own support.  As we have prayed, we feel the Lord has challenged us to deal with our pride and to reach out and ask people to pray about partnering with us. He showed us that we are investing our time and energy to be part of this organization and we need to allow people to invest seed in this good soil.  We are asking the Lord for a $1000 more per month to help with expenses and additional funds for us to also invest seed as He leads us.

If you would like to support financially either though monthly donations or a one time gift simply visit the following link Click on donate under picture. To donate online through paypal just search James Galloway in search missionary.

To donate by check click on Support Our Missionaries by check.  Follow the instructions and make check payable to University of the Nations Kona and enclose a note for James Galloway /Mission Account # 6319.   All donations to us are now TAX DEDUCTIBLE.

We pray a blessing on each of you and would love to hear from you.  We plan on being in Illinois for about 3 weeks in June for our grandson, Austin’s wedding.  We look forward to seeing some of you in person.

With much love
Jim & Sherry

Had a great visit with our dau, Randi, who came in March. She enjoyed seeing our daily visitors geckos and chickens and she got to experience “cow days” when the cows up the mountain are let loose to roam in the pastures near our place.

Our friendly geckos
The hens visit daily